Monday, February 27, 2012

Music + Monday: If You Like Piña Coladas...

There is no doubt in my mind that this song is God-awful: just barely listening to the lyrics you can tell it's bad, and as soon as you actually pay attention to them... it's about ten times worse. But it's been stuck in my head since about 5 this afternoon, and I've already subjected most of the people who were on the track today to me wailing it at the top of my lungs, so I figured it might as well be the song of the day.
Escape (The Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes on Grooveshark

Monday, February 20, 2012

Music + Monday: Nobody Said It Was Easy

So I just totally, completely, absolutely love this song. That's my excuse. It's pretty amazing, and since this is the last day before school/work/life starts up again (sigh), I think we could all use some amazing.

The Scientist by Coldplay on Grooveshark

Friday, February 17, 2012

Flashback Friday: Love You Like an Old Record

If you're someone who reads my blog fairly regularly, then you probably know that I'm a fan of doo-wop and Frank Sinatra. But the love doesn't end there! Play me the music our grandparents used to listen to, and I'm in heaven... it's very nearly guaranteed. There's just something absolutely wonderful about it (and vintage things in general. Sigh).

So here's a recently discovered, swoon-worthy playlist (courtesy of the love of my life, aka

Hope you all had a good Valentine's-week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V-Day, And The Winners Are...

ME! (And me, and me, and me.)

Actually, there WERE five people who succeeded in completing the Valentine's Day Challenge, and those five do not include me (even though for those of you who have been wondering/harassing me about it, you'll be happy to know that I did actually do it).
Many congratulations to them for being awesome, brave people, and many thanks for taking the challenge!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


Sunday, February 12, 2012


You might have noticed that I've made a mention or two of Cal Women's Basketball today. You might have been one of the unlucky people I beat with blue-and-gold foam things because I was so upset about the outcome of tonight's game, or you might have been somebody I ranted to, or raved to, or asked to use your connections to tell one of the basketball players what a great job I think she did, and how them losing was COMPLETELY BASED ON A VERY BAD CALL.

But I needed to post just one more thing about it... to make myself feel a little bit better.

It was a rough game at the end of the half: our team was losing control of the ball, emotions were running high, there had been two technicals, one player had fouled out, and Cal was down three points with less than 30 seconds left. We finally got possession, Layshia sprinted down the court, and then-
The most amazing shot I have ever seen, from well beyond the men's 3-point line, which swished through just as the buzzer rang.

The crowd went crazy. I was jumping up and down and screaming like a maniac, and nearly falling over and cracking my head open on the bleachers every three seconds or so. The entire team was screaming and throwing themselves at each other, and it was just the best thing EVER.

We were in overtime.

Cal pulled themselves together, had some great shots, and got ahead quickly. But those five minutes dragged on and on, especially stressing everyone out whenever we were playing defense. And then... there was a double dribble of sorts, and possession suddenly went to USC. It was a major mental error that our team just wasn't prepared for, and we quickly lost the "large" lead we'd had. Only one point ahead, with 19 or so seconds left and Layshia just about to make a layup, and the ref called THE most ridiculous charging foul in the history of all time. SERIOUSLY. The game was televised, and even the commentators were shaking their heads as they watched the instant replay.

Needless to say, the confidence Cal had regained was lost in the pressure, and USC got the two points they needed to get ahead. With only 5 seconds left, Lindsay tried to get a three from nowhere near the men's line, and although it was close, she missed.

Can you imagine?? We thought we were winning, then we thought we were losing, then we were tied, then we were going back and forth between gaining two points and losing two points, and suddenly we were down three with NO time left, and Layshia (who is amazing, and I love, but is not exceptionally well know for her three-point shots) makes an INCREDIBLE one, and we're in overtime, and we're doing so well and we're ahead and... we lose?

If I hadn't been so very angry, I might have cried; that's how intense it was. The overwhelming "BOO" that rose from the crowd was an easy indication that I was not the only one, and although I was dying to go talk to the players (particularly #23, the saver of the game) and let them know how amazing they had been, and make MYSELF feel better by attempting to make THEM feel better- I couldn't. I had to leave before they came out again, which just made it even worse... and led me to vent my frustrations about the ridiculously stressful, painful, and emotional game to you, my faithful internet audience.

Thank you, and I'm sorry. Now here are some pictures of Cal stuff.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Because It Made Me Laugh

Proof that Valentine's Day spoils everything.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One More Week

(You. Yes, YOU.)
That's right: there are only 7 more more days to complete the Valentine's Day Challenge.

In case you don't remember, or didn't know in the first place, the challenge is to ask someone on a date by February 14th, aka Valentine's Day. People who complete the challenge get the opportunity to win an iTunes gift card (5 opportunities, actually), as well as the self-satisfaction that comes with both being a cool person who completes my blog challenges, and being brave enough to ask someone out.

So far, only two of my loyal blog readers/people-I've-told-about-the-challenge have actually completed it, which means that if only three more do, they all get gift cards. On the flip side, if no more people do, I splurge and buy myself stuff... so really, it works out either way. But it would be cooler if you just won them. (And yes, I'm still talking to YOU).


Monday, February 6, 2012

Music + Monday: Sometimes All of Our Thoughts Are Misgiven

Question: what is not to love about this song? 
Answer: That's a rhetorical question. There is nothing unlovable about this song... as you probably already know.

Just because I'm in a Led Zeppelin mood today. Or rather, a Stairway to Heaven mood. Some days are just like that.

Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin on Grooveshark

Much love to Kate for buying me this poster all those years ago; it shall hang on my wall forever.

Welcome back to the work/school-week, everybody.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Have I Mentioned

That I love making cupcakes?
I didn't think so.
I also love taking pictures of the process of me making cupcakes.
I shall now subject you to them.
And then there was a pretty moon. And I took pictures of that, too.
I'm addicted.
Hope you all had a good weekend!

P.S. Nine more days till the Valentine's Day Challenge deadline!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Valentine's Day Challenge: Video #1

The following video is of Kerry Cronin, the "Boston College Dating Doctor," talking about her rules for the 1st date, and the idea of 'Level 1' dating. If you're taking the challenge, I definitely recommend watching it... because it's funny, and it also has some good points/ideas for if you're stuck on what's supposed to be happening on this date that you're supposed to be asking someone on by the 14th. (Don't forget!)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

V-Day Challenge: FAQ

Q: Are you taking the challenge, too?
A: Yes sir, yes ma'am.

Q: Who are you asking?
A: That's for me to know and for you to find out, unless it goes horribly wrong and I embarrass myself and don't tell you. But I probably would anyways, so fear not.

Q: Who am I supposed to ask??
A: Someone you're interested in getting to know better, in more of a not-just-friends direction.

Q: I can't just ask _____? He/She's a really good friend of mine, and we could hang out, and then I could win an iTunes gift card!

Q: Um, why not?
A: The point isn't to go on a "date" with a friend of yours. The point is to go on a date with someone you like/might like as more than a friend.

Q: But how will you know I didn't just ask a friend?
A: I won't: I'm not stalking you. I might make a requirement of taking a picture, but that would be more for the fun of it than for an actual requirement.

Q: So you really won't even know if I went out with anybody at all.
A: No. But as all of my coaches from all of the sports I have ever played like to say, "When you cheat, you're only cheating yourself." Here you have an opportunity (in fact, an EXCUSE) to ask someone on a date. Why wouldn't you?

Q: Am I asking them to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?
A: Of course not! That's not the point of a date; a date is to help you decide if you might be interested in being a couple. Or if you two can even talk (that's always a good thing to know).
Q: Can we go out in a group?
A: I get how that can be a lot more comfortable and seem less awkward for a first date, but if you're in a group the pressure is off. And like it or not, the pressure is what's important about a first date. Like I said above... can you two keep a conversation going without friends to save it? Do you two even have anything in common to talk about? Those are the kinds of things that are sometimes best to figure out early on. As Kerry Cronin, the professor in the article I read, says:
Many students say, "I'd much rather find out about somebody in a group." But a group has a dynamic. Talking one-on-one with someone is a different animal. It is about focus: your attention is on someone else, and you are allowing someone else's attention to be on you—that makes you vulnerable.
Q: My God, why would I want to do that??
A: Because you like the person, and because it's good practice.

Q: So I'm thinking the movies. Great idea, right?
A: To be honest, that was my initial thought, too. But here's the thing about going to a movie: you're probably not talking. Which seems great! No pressure! Yay! Except I just said pressure is important. Also, you're not really learning much of anything about them (which is part of the point of a date), and you're in that mildly awkward position of wondering, "Should something be happening? I mean... we're at the movies. In the upstairs section. With the couches." A movie is a good 3rd date idea... because you'll probably have that figured out by then.

Q: What am I supposed to even SAY?
A: You don't have to say, "Hey, let's go on a DATE!" Just say something along the lines of, "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go [insert something fun] on Thursday?" Or something like that. I don't have all the answers!
But it's up to you whether or not you're going to add a date (literally) to your question; in other words, the difference between "go do something sometime" and "go do something tomorrow." Adding a date right away gives them the opportunity to be "busy," or actually busy. Your call.

Q: But I want him to ask me!
A: And I want to win the lottery, but I'm much more likely to make $5,000 working than from buying tickets and waiting around; just saying.

Q: Dates are weird... why are you making a challenge about this? Why are you such a weird person? Why do you think I would do this? Who GOES on dates? Who even uses the WORD date anymore?
A: If you don't want to take the challenge, then you obviously don't have to. But before you start freaking out about it being weird and outdated to ask someone on a date, remember this: people go to thrift shops and buy clothing from over 30 years ago because they think it's cool... so it can hardly be called strange to do something that used to be more popular than it is now. And there's iCash at stake here, people.

Q: Why are you giving away iTunes gift cards?
A: Because I love you all, and I want you to be brave people.

P.S. I'm thinking about making a Facebook group so that people could really pledge to take the challenge. What do you think?
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