The above photo is of... who? I've gone by Moe, Morgie, and MoMo, but for the sake of having a blog identity, you can refer to me as Miss Morgan. In Three Words is the reincarnation of my previous blog-baby (Chocolate Needed), who I loved with a fierce passion, but felt needed a life-style change. Writing is my outlet for everything, and the blogosphere is one way I'm trying to commit more to it. I also adore my new-found affinity to photography, especially when it involves taking pictures of random inanimate objects, or the beautiful people I get to call my friends.
Besides that, I'm addicted to the '50's in both style and music, and the DIY-craze has my heart sewn onto a patch on its wings. I also wouldn't have In Three Words if it wasn't for some of the amazing, inspiring blogs below:
...and many more!
I thank them all for existing, and highly recommend you go check them out! Other than that: welcome!