Friday, June 29, 2012

Pennsylvania Friday Morning

I had the excellent luck of being unable to sleep at all last night - and I'm only being slightly sarcastic. Since I pulled an all-nighter, I was awake to see the sunrise, as well as the fog that was left over from last night's crazy heat-lightning and rain. It was gorgeous... I wandered around in my PJs (it was 6:00 AM, mind you) taking pictures while all of the early risers and gas company workers drove by in their trucks. I must have looked mildly insane, but it was worth it.
I only wish I could describe how the air smelled; it was that perfect after-rain freshness mixed with the smell of morning and dirt. That might not sound lovely, but it most definitely is. The absolute perfect way to start a day.

In other news, I've written a song! It's not the first, but since it's my newest I'm still pretty excited about it. I recorded it this morning, and even though it's just me and my guitar through a lousy computer microphone, I don't think it turned out half bad.

Hope you're all having lovely days!

Monday, June 25, 2012

What's Today?

Greetings, and happy summer-time! I hope everyone has been enjoying themselves so far, and if you haven't, here's something that might brighten your day. If you do not find the below video moderately hilarious, I understand, and I do not judge you. I do ask, however, that you therefore apply that same compassion to me for finding it hilarious.

(Warning: It's not the most mature humor. In fact, this video is particularly immature. If you do not find such immature humor humorous, you will not want to watch this.)


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