- You can sing along to Ridin' Solo without being a fake.
- You can flirt with almost whoever you want, and the same goes to dating.
- You can have many, many days when you don't concern yourself with your appearance, without people thinking you're "letting yourself go" (but I've noticed guys don't tend have this problem, so maybe that's not a perk for you).
- AND on the other hand, when you do try to look extra nice, it means more (and gets more attention).
- You can do what YOU want, whenever you want. Or at least more so that when you're with somebody else.
- Your single friends like you more.
- There's no one to get suspicious if you hang out with certain people.
- It's not always 'We, we, we, we."
- You never have to deal with those irritating relationship arguments (friends' fights are much better).
- And really, you get better stories out of being single. Just saying.