Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wake Me Up

When September Ends by Green Day on Grooveshark
It's that time of year again - the time when leaves change color, the temperature begins to fall back a few degrees, and all the lovely things that autumn brings arrive in full-swing. (That is, if you don't live in the Bay Area, where one can continue to buy flowers in beautiful fall colors all year long.)

It's also the time of year when high school seniors such as myself start to feel the pressure of college application deadlines looming ahead of us, and when those of us who are applying early decision begin to wonder if a November due-date isn't perhaps maybe just a teensy bit too soon?

So here's to the end of September: may it arrive soon enough that we can revel in October's loveliness, but not so soon that I only have a month left to fill out that Common Application.


Friday, June 29, 2012

Pennsylvania Friday Morning

I had the excellent luck of being unable to sleep at all last night - and I'm only being slightly sarcastic. Since I pulled an all-nighter, I was awake to see the sunrise, as well as the fog that was left over from last night's crazy heat-lightning and rain. It was gorgeous... I wandered around in my PJs (it was 6:00 AM, mind you) taking pictures while all of the early risers and gas company workers drove by in their trucks. I must have looked mildly insane, but it was worth it.
I only wish I could describe how the air smelled; it was that perfect after-rain freshness mixed with the smell of morning and dirt. That might not sound lovely, but it most definitely is. The absolute perfect way to start a day.

In other news, I've written a song! It's not the first, but since it's my newest I'm still pretty excited about it. I recorded it this morning, and even though it's just me and my guitar through a lousy computer microphone, I don't think it turned out half bad.

Hope you're all having lovely days!

Monday, June 25, 2012

What's Today?

Greetings, and happy summer-time! I hope everyone has been enjoying themselves so far, and if you haven't, here's something that might brighten your day. If you do not find the below video moderately hilarious, I understand, and I do not judge you. I do ask, however, that you therefore apply that same compassion to me for finding it hilarious.

(Warning: It's not the most mature humor. In fact, this video is particularly immature. If you do not find such immature humor humorous, you will not want to watch this.)



Monday, May 14, 2012

Music + Monday: One of Those (Weeks?)

Sorry for being MIA for a while! Things have been busy, and I've been lazy, but I plan on making more of an effort to post posts. (I'll write them if you read them - deal?)

So far, it's been one of those weeks. You know the kind where you keep having "one of those days," but every single day? The kind of week that gets you down for no particular reason, and then prevents you from being productive? It's been one of those... which, what with there being AP TESTS and FINALS and such, is not a very good thing.

(I did go to the aquarium on Saturday, though, and that was nice. I took lots of pictures)
Jellyfish are the best. Just so you know.
So to match the mood of the week and attempt to get an essay or two done, here's a newly discovered playlist:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Music + Monday: Better Late Than Never

So maybe listening to Mumford and Sons is depressing, or maybe Tuesdays are just awful; either way, today has kind of sucked. Which I know is a really eloquent and sophisticated way to describe it, but it's the truth, so it works for me.

In honor of the generally dissatisfactory day that has been April 17th, 2012, here's a song to compliment that special type of mood that can be best described as suckiness. Because it's not like this day is going to get any better, right?

Dustbowl Dance by Mumford & Sons on Grooveshark

Monday, March 19, 2012

Music + Monday: Let's Not Be Most People

I've been trying all day to find someone in the Bay Area who is able to go see this band (one of my current and all-time favorites) play at The Fillmore (tonight) with me, but so far I've been having no luck. My friend Ellie decided to let me know that the reason I'd been failing was because "Most people don't go to concerts on Monday nights," (to which I replied "Being most people sounds boring.")

I've still got a couple hours to go, so if you or someone you know wants to hear great live music, hit me up! But if not, you should still look NEEDTOBREATHE up on Spotify, or Youtube, or somewhere. Or you can just listen to some of my favorite songs by them below... whatever blows your skirt up.
Stones Under Rushing Water by Needtobreathe on Grooveshark
A Place Only You Can Go by NeedToBreathe on Grooveshark
Tyrant Kings by NeedToBreathe on Grooveshark
Drive All Night by NeedToBreathe on Grooveshark

Sunday, March 18, 2012

10 Favorites: March Madness and More

1) March Madness. Or, more specifically, March Madness when it involves Cal Women's Basketball. This morning our team made it to round two of the NCAA tournament, AND I'M SUPER-PSYCHED, if not so psyched for us playing Notre Dame. Actually, I'm not at all psyched for that, after watching Notre Dame crush Liberty, and I'm betting the team isn't either considering that they stayed to watch it, too. Layshia Clarendon is my favorite player, and Eliza's up there as well (as is Brittany Boyd... Berkeley High represent!). But yeah. BASKETBALL! <3

2) Awesome mugs. I have a travel-mug which looks exactly like a camera lens, but I was drinking out of this one today, so it's awesomer. You can't quite tell, but she's holding a pie in her hands and talking to this other woman who's looking at the pie. That's basically me, since I'm always defending my go-to cupcake recipe to my mother... she likes to let me know that she doesn't approve of it, but I don't much care (hence the mug... funny, right?)

3) My new hair. It's shorter, and it makes me happy.

4) Bon Appetit. It's kind of the best magazine ever. I'd buy it just for the pictures, but it also is full of really amazing-sounding restaurants and amazing-sounding recipes. I know I'll probably never make any of them, but it's nice to know that they're there. (This is my favorite issue, since I love fried chicken, and southern food, and YUM. Disregard what I said before: I am going to make every single recipe in here. I swear.)

5) Photo-booths. There was a makeshift one at the dance on Friday, and it almost made it worth going to. I could have taken pictures all night...

6) This book. I'm not done yet! (But I've definitely added it to the long list of my favorites.) It's essentially the story of a relationship, but it is NOT a fluffy novel. This book will not be turned into a chick-flick because it is much too profound and intelligent for that. On Love doesn't just talk about the relationship between the protagonist and the woman he 'loves', but it also analyzes the psychology of it all. I can't even describe it properly: you just need to go out and read it. Right now. GO.

7) Old New-Favorite-Music. I'm not entirely sure that made any sense, but by it I meant music I am currently infatuated with that is not new. Gettit? I was already a huge Ella Fitzgerald fan, but I've only recently discovered how much I love Billie Holiday. And Duke Ellington. The Sinatra CD is new to me, too, so I count that as a discovery as well. GAH so much good music, I can't stand it.

8) Sucré. I've said before how much I love Elsie Larson's blog, but I love it even more now that she's introduced me to Stacy King's jealousy-inducing voice/lyricism/GAH-ness. Her voice is as gorgeous as she is, and I've been listening to When We Were Young on repeat for the past hour or so. Her entire album comes out in April, but you can buy the above-mentioned single on iTunes now. Or you can just listen to it on Youtube forever. 
(P.S. The music video is really awesome, but it's not timed properly with the song... and it drives me nuts. But here it is anyway.)

9) This nail polish. Yeah... I can't help it. It's called Lincoln Park After Dark; how much cooler can it get?? And besides, everyone's favorite fairy-person from True Blood wears it. So there.

10) Blogging for homework. Best. Assignment. Ever. 

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Music + Monday: Did Someone Say Sinatra?

I'M BACK! If you didn't notice I was gone, don't worry: I won't hold it against you. But now that finals and the seemingly endless college visits have come to a conclusion, I'm finally able to get back to the blog. And what better way to start up again than with Sinatra?

That's right... Sinatra. I mention him a lot, I know; this is his second time being featured on a Monday post, and it probably won't be his last (here's the first one, if you missed it). But during my week of tours and information sessions I acquired what is probably the awesomest CD known to humankind, and which I decided provided the perfect photo-op.
Yes sir/ma'am - Seduction: Sinatra Sings of Love. In other words, 22 heart-breaking-ly swoon-worthy Sinatra-sung love songs.

*Insert swoon here*

So here's a classic, just like Ol' Blue Eyes himself.
It Had To Be You by Frank Sinatra on Grooveshark

Monday, February 27, 2012

Music + Monday: If You Like Piña Coladas...

There is no doubt in my mind that this song is God-awful: just barely listening to the lyrics you can tell it's bad, and as soon as you actually pay attention to them... it's about ten times worse. But it's been stuck in my head since about 5 this afternoon, and I've already subjected most of the people who were on the track today to me wailing it at the top of my lungs, so I figured it might as well be the song of the day.
Escape (The Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes on Grooveshark

Monday, February 20, 2012

Music + Monday: Nobody Said It Was Easy

So I just totally, completely, absolutely love this song. That's my excuse. It's pretty amazing, and since this is the last day before school/work/life starts up again (sigh), I think we could all use some amazing.

The Scientist by Coldplay on Grooveshark

Friday, February 17, 2012

Flashback Friday: Love You Like an Old Record

If you're someone who reads my blog fairly regularly, then you probably know that I'm a fan of doo-wop and Frank Sinatra. But the love doesn't end there! Play me the music our grandparents used to listen to, and I'm in heaven... it's very nearly guaranteed. There's just something absolutely wonderful about it (and vintage things in general. Sigh).

So here's a recently discovered, swoon-worthy playlist (courtesy of the love of my life, aka

Hope you all had a good Valentine's-week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V-Day, And The Winners Are...

ME! (And me, and me, and me.)

Actually, there WERE five people who succeeded in completing the Valentine's Day Challenge, and those five do not include me (even though for those of you who have been wondering/harassing me about it, you'll be happy to know that I did actually do it).
Many congratulations to them for being awesome, brave people, and many thanks for taking the challenge!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


Sunday, February 12, 2012


You might have noticed that I've made a mention or two of Cal Women's Basketball today. You might have been one of the unlucky people I beat with blue-and-gold foam things because I was so upset about the outcome of tonight's game, or you might have been somebody I ranted to, or raved to, or asked to use your connections to tell one of the basketball players what a great job I think she did, and how them losing was COMPLETELY BASED ON A VERY BAD CALL.

But I needed to post just one more thing about it... to make myself feel a little bit better.

It was a rough game at the end of the half: our team was losing control of the ball, emotions were running high, there had been two technicals, one player had fouled out, and Cal was down three points with less than 30 seconds left. We finally got possession, Layshia sprinted down the court, and then-
The most amazing shot I have ever seen, from well beyond the men's 3-point line, which swished through just as the buzzer rang.

The crowd went crazy. I was jumping up and down and screaming like a maniac, and nearly falling over and cracking my head open on the bleachers every three seconds or so. The entire team was screaming and throwing themselves at each other, and it was just the best thing EVER.

We were in overtime.

Cal pulled themselves together, had some great shots, and got ahead quickly. But those five minutes dragged on and on, especially stressing everyone out whenever we were playing defense. And then... there was a double dribble of sorts, and possession suddenly went to USC. It was a major mental error that our team just wasn't prepared for, and we quickly lost the "large" lead we'd had. Only one point ahead, with 19 or so seconds left and Layshia just about to make a layup, and the ref called THE most ridiculous charging foul in the history of all time. SERIOUSLY. The game was televised, and even the commentators were shaking their heads as they watched the instant replay.

Needless to say, the confidence Cal had regained was lost in the pressure, and USC got the two points they needed to get ahead. With only 5 seconds left, Lindsay tried to get a three from nowhere near the men's line, and although it was close, she missed.

Can you imagine?? We thought we were winning, then we thought we were losing, then we were tied, then we were going back and forth between gaining two points and losing two points, and suddenly we were down three with NO time left, and Layshia (who is amazing, and I love, but is not exceptionally well know for her three-point shots) makes an INCREDIBLE one, and we're in overtime, and we're doing so well and we're ahead and... we lose?

If I hadn't been so very angry, I might have cried; that's how intense it was. The overwhelming "BOO" that rose from the crowd was an easy indication that I was not the only one, and although I was dying to go talk to the players (particularly #23, the saver of the game) and let them know how amazing they had been, and make MYSELF feel better by attempting to make THEM feel better- I couldn't. I had to leave before they came out again, which just made it even worse... and led me to vent my frustrations about the ridiculously stressful, painful, and emotional game to you, my faithful internet audience.

Thank you, and I'm sorry. Now here are some pictures of Cal stuff.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Because It Made Me Laugh

Proof that Valentine's Day spoils everything.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One More Week

(You. Yes, YOU.)
That's right: there are only 7 more more days to complete the Valentine's Day Challenge.

In case you don't remember, or didn't know in the first place, the challenge is to ask someone on a date by February 14th, aka Valentine's Day. People who complete the challenge get the opportunity to win an iTunes gift card (5 opportunities, actually), as well as the self-satisfaction that comes with both being a cool person who completes my blog challenges, and being brave enough to ask someone out.

So far, only two of my loyal blog readers/people-I've-told-about-the-challenge have actually completed it, which means that if only three more do, they all get gift cards. On the flip side, if no more people do, I splurge and buy myself stuff... so really, it works out either way. But it would be cooler if you just won them. (And yes, I'm still talking to YOU).

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