Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th (aka The Podcast Post)

On an auspicious day such as today, it feels wrong not to write a post. Similar to the feeling one gets when not ordering popcorn at the movies; maybe you don't really want to, but it's a requirement. All of which is basically to say that this post doesn't particularly have to do with anything.

But wait! I spoke too soon!

Tonight's post is about podcasts. To be more specific, a podcast that I am a huge fan of (and if you are a fan of Chocolate Needed, one that you should be a fan of, too). The most hilarious podcast in existence, it beats Ask a Ninja 10 times out of 10, involves people's odd, embarrassing, and just plain weird secrets, advice in response to said secrets, and the three attractive voices of three attractive guys from Seattle. What's possibly not to like?

I would be referring, of course, to Kiss and Tell, the best podcast in the entire world. It's not a "chick podcast," or a "guy podcast;" it's got something for everybody, seeing as the people behind it are male and the secrets and responses have humor potential for anyone. Basically, people go to their website and submit anonymous secrets. About anything. If they're any good, they read them on their show, answer questions that might have been asked, and analyze the people in the nicest, least judgmental way possible. They're amazing.

And I am very shamelessly promoting them.
As well as making me literally laugh out loud (embarrassingly) in public, this podcast has inspired me. The very anonymity of these secrets makes it so very appealing to submit them; after all, what's to lose? They get over ten to discuss every week. Can you imagine if I had that many questions to answer? It would be ridiculous. It would also, however, be more entertaining than getting zero questions. And I have a theory about this: there isn't a way for people to conveniently, anonymously ask anything. E-mail is not anonymous, or very convenient, so why would anybody send in a question?

My goal is to somehow get an ask box. And start a podcast. The last bit might be unnecessary, but hey; podcasts are fun. And easier to promote, since there's no iTunes section for blogs (yet).

But to wrap up this sloppy thought-train, go to iTunes and subscribe to Kiss and Tell. It's free, and fun, and your life will be better after you listen to Scott, Maré, and Cory for an hour. I promise. And let me know somehow about the whole podcast thing... good idea?

May Jason not hunt you down this day or any Friday the 13th hereafter. 
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