Monday, July 11, 2011

You Cheat!

Once a cheater, always a cheater?

There are those who say that monogamy is unnatural; against human nature. They use it to excuse, to a certain extent, the largely frowned upon and not very admirable trait of cheating.

Now I'm not here to say whether or not having someone on the side is "inevitable," or "natural." I'm here to ask you, my hopefully existent (perhaps imaginary?) audience, whether or not it's an addiction. Or perhaps a scar in the quality of someone's character? Once a cheater, always a cheater? 

An alcoholic who sobers up for a year isn't cured. An alcoholic who sobers up for a decade isn't cured. As far as I have ever heard, an alcoholic is never NOT an alcoholic. They can't say that just because they're on the bandwagon means they don't have problems with those pesky adult beverages. Is cheating the same way?

Is there such a thing as "just a mistake"?

 And if so, when does it go from being a mistake, to a pattern?

GO HERE AND ANSWER. It won't kill you!!

Love and Fidelity,
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