Facebook; To Delete or Not to Delete? The Great Dilemma.
To Delete
- Hey! Now you won't really be able to see them move on (a.k.a. a new relationship, new pictures of the two of them...etc.), which is almost certainly going to happen.
- If their page is no longer fully accessible, the temptation to creep on pictures of them can easily be thwarted. Or maybe they'll just have good privacy settings.
- If your wall is no longer spammed with their posts, you can get through a Facebook-heavy day without being reminded of them. At least, not by Facebook.
Not to Delete
- If you DON'T want to lose the real-life friendship, deleting them on Facebook would most likely be a very bad idea, since when (if) they find out, they will probably not be happy.
- Sometimes, deleting someone on Facebook is like a 5 year old not giving any of his birthday cake to another 5 year old, because last time they had a play-date, she wouldn't share her toy (except obviously it's a little more complicated than that). The point, however, is that you don't want to seem petty; don't delete as an act of 'revenge'. Particularly because if they don't notice, it's that much more awful for you.
- And lastly, why waste the effort? Many people are Facebook-friends with individuals they never talk to; you probably won't be assaulted by you ex's page. And some day, if you really want/need to look at it, you're preventing the awkwardness of sending a friend request...
But unfortunately, there's no right answer; it's your call.