Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baking Adventure #1

I decided (with the inspiration of  A Beautiful Mess and my new desire to do Autumn-ly things) to make a pumpkin pie today. I even woke up before ten to do so! You have no idea how much of an accomplishment that is.

Pumpkin pie a la Paula Deen made my day mostly because it meant I got to break out the vintage kitchen supplies (the apron is my favorite; it used to be my Grandmother's), but unfortunately that meant I spent a large chunk of time stopping and taking pictures of things before I actually got around to baking. But several hours later, pies were eventually made, nonetheless.

...and after!
And since it was a baking adventure after all, some risks were taken. For instance, the battle with the pumpkin can was very intense, and I somehow managed to injure myself. If it scars, though, I imagine I'll have to come up with a better story than that.

Ghastly, I know.
But other than that, everything else worked out fine, due in a large part to my Aunt Carol, whose long-distance baking advice kept me from burning either of the two pies.
And they all lived happily ever-after.

Pie, anyone? ;)

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