Friday, October 7, 2011

Meet Wiley!

Greetings from the newest member of my family! My baby Wiley was a stray living in the Southwest desert, but now he's an adorable, food-obsessed, vain (yes, he actually DOES like to look at himself in the mirror...) city-dog. And other than the fact that he catapults his body at me whenever I have food, and sometimes he likes to wake me up at 5:44 by whining in my face, jumping up on my bed, and rolling on top of me, he's fantastic.

Unfortunately for him, he has to wear the cone of shame for several weeks due to some surgery. He keeps running into door jams with it (which is extremely funny and sad at the same time), and now whenever I take the camera out, he runs away.

Very self-conscious about it, apparently.


P.S. And since I know you're probably thinking it, yes, I do know the word "wily" is not spelled with an E, and yes, I also know Wile E. Coyote is spelled... well, Wile E. Coyote. Wiley is just a combination of the two.
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