Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Wileys

These days, Wiley refuses to let me take his picture. I'm convinced it has something to do with the complex he's getting from me calling him Cone Head, so hopefully when he gets it off later today he'll be over the running-away thing.

He's also decided that the most interesting thing he can do with his time is find something to chew on. Whether it be my shoe, my leg, the laundry or a tissue box, he'll grab it whenever he gets the chance and run off. Which is amusing, unless it's my leg. Or shoe.

That is literally the best picture he let me take of him today. And as you can probably tell, he was caught by surprise.

My other two (photogenic) pets would like you to know that they very willingly sit still and pose for me whenever I want to take their pictures, even though they don't have days dedicated to them. And since Wiley was being uncooperative, I thought they might as well get to be stars, too.

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