The stupid things one thinks about when it doesn't really matter.
In particular, this post is about a conversation I had with myself, a.k.a. Erin, about something I was thinking about doing. It went something like this.
"Is it weird if I post something on someone's thing?"
"To be more specific, is it weird if I post ____?"
"In fact, is it weird that I'm even wondering if this is weird? Since the only reason that I'm concerned is because I have a moderately romantic interest in this person, which is something I should cease and desist because not only is said person someone who does not even live remotely near me, said person is someone who really does not live anywhere remotely near me. I also have nothing more than a superficial reason to believe they might be interested in me, so... it's weird, isn't it?" (Needless to say it was an extremely productive conversation.)My point? More questions:
What drives us to want to invest emotional energy in pursuits that we don't even take seriously?
Is it because, to a certain extent, they're safer than the pursuits that could actually have results? If we care about things that we're prepared either to fail at, forget about, or simply drop when it becomes impractical, are we saving ourselves from the potential to actually be affected by these things?
That's my current theory.
Your local pointlessly obsessing blog personality,