Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Wileys and Fridge-Cat

Initially, Wiley wasn't so happy about having his picture taken. He crawled right into my lap until the camera came out, when he promptly crawled very quickly away. But eventually he decided he was okay with it...
...until something happened with his ears:
That's right. He was struck with weird-ears syndrome, which usually for Wiley means "OHMYGOSH TAKE ME OUT RIGHT NOW OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN ALL OVER YOUR FLOOR."
Meanwhile, in the kitchen...
... a cat was sniffing my head when I walked through the door. You may be wondering how this would be possible, but that can be easily explained.
Fridge-cat has struck again.


P.S. And because I have a gazillion tests tomorrow and think you probably need something to de-stress you too, here's a link to some fuzzy-aww-ness. And remember: everything will be okay! Because there will be a baking adventure happening soon (as in tomorrow)! And we all know what that means...
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