Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Time Is It?


With the proper supplies (vintage apron, 37-song doo-wop playlist, recipes...), last night turned into Morgan-being-a-baking-diva-or-at-least-attempting-to Wednesday. This baking adventure was kind of a redo, since I basically used the same recipe as last time but fixed the things that made them weird. This go-round, they actually seemed like cupcakes! But first: pictures of swirly batter. Because it's so pretty.
And then...
They were so gorgeous that this is currently my favorite picture EVER. I completely understand if it's now yours, too.
See the red thing? That's a cupcake carrier.
Cool, right? Totally something you would want to put on your Christmas list, I'm sure.
Speaking of Christmas lists... I also asked for pastry bags and tips. (I am such a baking nerd.) But hey! See how nice that frosting looks? Yeah. I know.
If you're reading this (because the Blogger-stats SWEAR that people actually do), you just might have been one of the people I forced my cupcakes on today. If so: I really like you, because you probably said nice things about them. So expect the question "Do you want one?" again in the near future, and note: the right answer is yes. Because, after all, I like being your friend. You eat my baking adventures. You are cool. 
And you probably don't want to be the person who makes me do a modified Godfather impression.
Do you think my answer will be yes? 
Well... if you've seen the Godfather, you know it will be. BUT THEN SOMEDAY (and that day may never come), I'll call upon you to do a service for me.
And who wants a debt to the Godbaker?

P.S. I often look for excuses to quote that scene, so if by some misfortune, you DO manage to be the person who leads me to stuff tissues in my mouth and talk with a fake Italian accent... it's really not your fault. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Have a cupcake.
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